The grant supports Ryu's travel to work with Dr. Susanna Röblitz at the University of Bergen in Norway on her research project, "A Mathematical Model of Macrophage Differentiation in the Tumor Microenvironment."

Assistant Professor Hwayeon Ryu from the Department of Mathematics was awarded a Mentoring Travel Grant of $4,900 from the Association for Women in Mathematics with pass-through funds from the National Science Foundation. This grant will support her travel expenses to work with Susanna Röblitz at the University of Bergen in Norway on her proposed project, “A Mathematical Model of Macrophage Differentiation in the Tumor Microenvironment” for the month of June 2021.
The Association for Women in Mathematics is a professional society whose mission is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity for and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. As a part of its programs, the objective of Mentoring Travel Grant is to help junior women to develop a long-term working and mentoring relationship with a senior mathematician. This relationship should help the junior mathematician to establish her research program and eventually receive tenure.