Campus Sustainability Week to feature virtual keynote address by Katharine Wilkinson

Katharine Wilkinson, a climate author, strategist, teacher, and vice president at Project Drawdown, will discuss 'Vital Questions for a Living Planet' on Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m.

As part of Campus Sustainability Week, Elon will host a virtual keynote discussion titled “Vital Questions for a Living Planet” by Katharine Wilkinson at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 20.

Wilkinson is a climate author, strategist, teacher, and vice president at Project Drawdown. Her publications include “All We Can Save” (forthcoming), “The Drawdown Review,” the New York Times best-seller “Drawdown” and “Between God & Green.” TIME recently featured Wilkinson as one of 15 “women who will save the world.”

Existential questions live at the heart of the climate crisis—questions that call us to make sense of this moment, imagine what’s possible, and participate in this era of great transformation. In this wide-ranging and interdisciplinary keynote, Katharine Wilkinson will share highlights from Project Drawdown’s pioneering and ongoing assessment of climate solutions, invite us to grapple with what it means to be human on a changing planet, and offer her insights about rapidly, radically reshaping society. Our call, as members in the community of life, is to live into the answers together.

To attend this webinar, please register at: 

Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability, Center for Environmental Studies, International and Global Studies Program, Kernodle Center for Civic Life, Political Science and Policy Studies, Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life