Dani Lane, assistant professor in the School of Education, recently published a manuscript in the International Journal of Inclusive Education.
“Special educators need to learn more about general education, collaborative co-teaching practices, and instructional techniques to support students and work in a collaborative partnership with their general education colleagues,” as stated in the introduction of ‘Job-embedded professional development: implementing co-teaching practices in general education classrooms’ co-authored by Sarah Semon, Phyllis Jones, and Sharlene M. Smith, and featured in the International Journal of Inclusive Education.

This article presents the findings of an empirical research project that focuses on the job-embedded professional development of special education in relation to a school district initiative for greater inclusive practices and the reduction of segregated and ‘pull out’ special education services. The professional development comprised the coaching and modelling of research-based instructional strategies and co-teaching practices wherever the special education teacher was, which was typically in a general education classroom. The co-teaching approaches included one teach/one observe, one teach/one assist, alternative teaching, parallel teaching, station teaching, and teaming, as described by Friend [2015. “Welcome to Co-teaching 2.0.” Educational Leadership 73 (4): 16]. Job-embedded professional development (JEPD) is a relatively new approach for improving co-teaching practices between general and special educators in the United States. This approach was adopted by a school district in West Central Florida serving approximately 70,000 students (pre-kindergarten to 12th grade). Participating elementary, middle, and high school special educators’ reflections on the co-teaching instructional models are examined. The sources for this study include a collation of observed co-teaching approaches and teacher survey responses. Overall, the JEPD appeared to increase the use of co-teaching practices and was well-received by the teachers across all settings.
To read the full publication, please click here.
Dani Lane joined the Elon faculty in 2018 as a pre-doctoral fellow. In 2019, she was promoted to assistant professor of education after earning her doctorate in curriculum and instruction with a concentration in special education from the University of South Florida in the spring of 2019. Her research focuses on global understandings of disabilities in various cultural contexts. Specifically, she is interested in centralizing the importance of inclusive practices in educational provisions that are provided to students with disabilities. Dani teaches courses in special education at the undergraduate level and serves as a university supervisor for pre-service teacher candidates. She also serves as the editorial assistant for International Journal of Whole Schooling.