Hwayeon Ryu publishes paper in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering

Hwayeon Ryu, assistant professor of mathematics, published a paper in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering on investigating time-delayed excitatory-inhibitory neural networks.

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Hwayeon Ryu has published a peer-reviewed paper titled “Stability, bifurcation and phase-locking of time-delayed excitatory-inhibitory neural networks” in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering.

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Hwayeon Ryu

This work was from international collaboration with a mathematical neuroscientist, Sue Ann Campbell at the University of Waterloo in Canada. In this collaboration, Ryu and Campbell study a model for a network of synaptically coupled, excitable neurons to identify the role of coupling delays in generating different network behaviors.

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering is an interdisciplinary Open Access journal promoting cutting-edge research, technology transfer and knowledge translation about complex data and information processing. Areas covered include general mathematical methods and their applications in biology, medical sciences and bioengineering with an emphasis on work related to mathematical modeling, nonlinear and stochastic dynamics.

H. Ryu* and S.A. Campbell. Stability, bifurcation and phase-locking of time-delayed excitatory-inhibitory neural networks, Math. Biosci. Eng., 17(6): 7931-7957, 2020.


(* Corresponding Author)