Elon named a top school nationally for its teacher education programs

The site Teaching Degree Search ranked Elon the top school in the Southeast and No. 15 nationally in its rankings, which rely upon data collected by the U.S. Department of Education.

Elon University ranks No. 15 nationally and is the top school in the Southeast for students seeking undergraduate teaching degrees, according to new rankings from the site Teaching Degree Search.

Elon was also recognized as No. 6 for its master’s degree program in special education and its undergraduate programs in grade-specific and subject-specific teacher education were ranked in the top 20 nationally.

For its rankings, Teaching Degree Search partnered with College Factual, a leading higher education analytics company. The rankings rely upon data from the US. Department of Education and considered factors including post-graduation wages, educational resources and success, post-graduation debt, program demand and online options. More information about the rankings methodology is available here.

The School of Education at Elon University prepares equity-minded leaders in the fields of education, physical activity and wellness who enhance the learning and lives of children and adults. The Teacher Education program at Elon University is accredited by NCATE, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. The school is an active participant in CAEP, the Council for Accreditation of Teacher Preparation.

Elon offers programs leading to North Carolina licensure in early childhood education, elementary education, middle grades education, and special education (general curriculum), in special subject areas for grades K-12 (physical education, music, and Spanish), and in high school subject areas of English, history, math and science.

Learn more about the School of Education here.