Professor of Mathematics Karen Yokley and coauthor publish vignette on virtual undergraduate research program

The co-directors of the North Carolina A&T State University and Elon University Joint REU in Mathematical Biology reflected on lessons learned while engaging student researchers remotely.

Professor of Mathematics Karen Yokley and Nicholas Luke, associate professor of mathematics at North Carolina A&T State, recently published a peer-reviewed vignette reflecting on the experience of directing a summer undergraduate research program entirely remotely.

Karen Yokley, associate professor of mathematics

“Lessons Learned from a Virtual Summer Undergraduate Research Program” appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), which is a journal published by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). The vignette was part of SPUR’s ongoing theme: “Undergraduate Research during Times of Disruption.”

Yokley and Luke co-directed the National Science Foundation-funded North Carolina A&T State University and Elon University Joint Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Mathematical Biology in Summer 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic was forcing traditionally residential summer programs to be virtual or to be cancelled.  The program will continue to be offered in Summer 2021 and Summer 2022.  More information on the program can be found on the program website: