February 24 update from Vice President Jon Dooley

Throughout Winter Term and Spring Semester, Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley is providing regular email update messages to keep students and parents informed about the efforts related to COVID-19.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Current status

  • Elon’s current alert level is “Level 2 – High Alert” on the Elon COVID-19 Dashboard.
  • Since last week’s email update, Elon has received 43 new reports of PCR-confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students and employees.
  • As of yesterday afternoon, there were an estimated total of 49 active cases, with 197 students in quarantine or isolation.
  • Within the past week one new cluster of positive cases from Danieley K has been reported to the state.

Making smart decisions and choices

This week the United States crossed the threshold of a half million deaths recorded due to COVID-19. Even as the number of daily new cases declines in the state and country, and vaccines begin rolling out, we must each continue our vigilance and commitment to stop the spread of the virus. Many of the new cases at Elon are connected to small social gatherings without masks or physical distancing. The university will continue to enforce our guidelines in the Healthy Elon Commitment, and students will be held responsible for gatherings that violate local and state executive orders, in accordance with our expectations on shared responsibility and accountability. This is a situation where individual actions matter because they put people at risk – you, your peers, and our community. We are counting on each of us at Elon to continue to do our part in the days, weeks and months ahead.

At the same time, some good news in our region and state

It’s important to note that our collective efforts to slow the virus are paying off. The number of COVID cases and hospitalizations in Alamance and Guilford counties and across North Carolina are mirroring the nation’s positive trends. Active cases in Alamance County are at the lowest point since early November (although still higher than levels from last summer and earlier this fall).  Public health officials believe the case counts are falling because people are doing a better job at wearing masks and taking other precautionary measures, and because more people are being vaccinated. We are thankful for the good news and encouraged that the numbers continue to fall.

Vaccination information

Detailed information about vaccine distribution, including links to state and county information are available on a special Ready & Resilient webpage dedicated to information about Elon’s role in the vaccination campaign and other important information you should know about preparing for your shot.

Wellness moment and Chaplain’s reflection

Practicing gratitude and acknowledging the good that we already have in our life is the foundation for enhancing wholeness, joy, and strength of our mind, body and soul. Take some time this week to reflect on the people, places, and things for which you are most grateful and that help you find strength. Here are several ways you can practice gratitude.

University Chaplain Jan Fuller’s weekly reflection is offered to help us in our search for meaning during this challenging time – this week’s reflection, “A Blessing for Today,” can be found here on the Truitt Center blog.

Information is updated regularly on the Elon Ready & Resilient website. The next weekly COVID-19 update will be sent to all students, faculty and staff at 10:45 a.m. next Wednesday, March 3, unless an earlier message is warranted.

Dr. Jon Dooley

Vice President for Student Life