Updates on gathering limits and campus operations from Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley

Throughout Winter Term and Spring Semester, Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley is providing regular email update messages to keep students and parents informed about the efforts related to COVID-19.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Effective at 5 p.m. Friday, February 26, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has lifted the modified stay at home order and eased restrictions on certain businesses and gatherings. Additional information about the governor’s announcement is on the state website here. University officials have carefully reviewed the information and updates to campus operations and services are listed below.

Even as the number of new COVID-19 cases is trending downward statewide, public health officials remain concerned about transmission of the virus, especially with the emergence of variants that appear to be more contagious. The statewide requirement for face coverings continues, and it mirrors campus expectations for face coverings. The state has also maintained capacity limitations on certain businesses, sanitation standards, and other public health restrictions.

Here are some important facts about the current state and local rules and university facilities, events and policies:

Gathering limits remain the same in the Town of Elon

Regarding gatherings at homes and private residences, the changes announced by Governor Cooper this week will not affect the Town of Elon, which has not made any changes to its emergency declaration in place since last spring. Gatherings at residences in the Town of Elon continue to be limited to no more than 10 persons indoors or in confined spaces and 25 persons outdoors.

The university continues to support the Town of Elon efforts to enforce this emergency declaration, consistent with our Healthy Elon Commitment and expectations for shared responsibility and accountability.

Gathering limitations in on-campus residence halls and apartments also remain the same and can be found online here.

Hours for campus services, facilities and programs

North Carolina residents are no longer required to remain in their residences after 10 p.m. and businesses can resume later hours. The impact on campus services and facilities include the following:

  • Moseley Center will resume regular semester hours beginning today, February 26. Moseley will stay open Sunday through Wednesday until 12 a.m., Thursday until 1 a.m., and Friday and Saturday until 2 a.m.
  • Campus Recreation and Wellness facilities will resume regular semester hours beginning Monday, March 8, which will include the ability for an additional round of fitness appointments in the evening. Facility hours can be found online here and information about spring modifications for fitness appointments and facility modifications can be found online here.
  • Elon Dining will resume regular in-person late night dining beginning next week. As always, the Elon Dining menu and hours can be found at https://www.elondining.com/menu-hours/.
  • Student organizations can resume in-person activities that end later than 10 p.m., following the standard guidelines for student organization events on the Student Involvement website.
  • Late Night Elon events will resume next weekend – check out the line-up for late night events at https://www.latenightelon.com/ or log-in to PhoenixCONNECT to check out the full list of student organization events each weekend.

Even as the state begins easing restrictions this weekend, we need to remain cautious and vigilant. We appreciate the efforts of all members of the university community to continue to make smart individual decisions that reduce the transmission of the virus.

Dr. Jon Dooley

Vice President for Student Life