Elon's chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the national German honor society, hosted an induction ceremony on May 5, welcoming its newest members

Elon’s chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the national German honor society, inducted its newest members and celebrated with them on May 5.
Associate Professor Scott Windham and Assistant Professor Kristin Lange welcomed the new inductees and congratulated them on their academic success in German Studies. This year’s inductees showcase the diversity students find in German Studies, both in the multiple fields of study and career opportunities that are represented with them. “Each of you has found their unique path with German Studies, and you have made it your own”, said Assistant Professor Kristin Lange during the ceremony.
The National German Honor Society, known as Delta Phi Alpha, was founded in 1929 and has over 300 chapters in the United States. The society promotes the study of German language, literature and civilization and offers chapter grants and student scholarships. Elon’s chapter, Upsilon Omicron, was founded in 2018.
2021 Delta Phi Alpha Inductees:
Caren Sulexma Aveldañez ’21, Public Health Studies
Cassidy Beal ’21, Cinema & Television Arts
Catherine Howitt ’21, International & Global Studies
Olivia Leggett ’22, Economics
Alexandra Kristin Roberts ’23, International Business Dual Degree
Eliza Hollin Sanders ’21, Creative Writing