#ElonGrad 2021 spotlight: Lizzy Weber, political science and history

In this series, Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences is shining the spotlight on distinguished members of the Class of 2021 from a wide array of disciplines.

Double majoring in political science and history and adding a minor in African and African-American studies, Lizzy Weber ’21 says she was able to indulge her curiosity about each of these interests.

Lizzy Weber '21
Lizzy Weber ’21

“I wanted to continue to learn and grow with a view toward preparing me for career opportunities in areas that align with my interests. The amazing faculty in each department encouraged my love of learning and helped me to cultivate and expand my understanding of each discipline,” Weber said.

Weber is a member of Phi Kappa Phi honor society, Phi Alpha Theta history honor society and Pi Sigma Alpha political science honor society. She was co-president of Elon’s Pi Sigma Alpha chapter and served on the editorial board of the Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics.

Tell us about your undergraduate research.

I participated in undergraduate research during the spring semester of my junior year with the guidance of my research mentor, Associate Professor of History Michael Carignan. My topic was Victorian gender standards and their application to Queen Victoria. I selected this topic because I have always had an interest in the history of British royalty and Queen Victoria’s life.

What makes you proudest when you look back on your college experience?

My proudest accomplishment was learning to be a good researcher. From undergraduate research to research methods courses, I was motivated to expand my research skills and hone my writing abilities. In turn, I am very proud of both of my senior seminar papers, as they each pushed the boundaries for me in terms of the research models I used and the subjects I studied.

How did the relationship with your mentor influence you?

Dr. Carignan has helped me to grow as a history student from entry-level history courses, to being a mentor to me during my undergraduate research, encouraging my development as a history student and helping me to understand the discipline. During my undergraduate research, Dr. Carignan helped me enhance my historical research and he has continued to be a supportive mentor throughout my collegiate career.

What are your plans following graduation?

I plan to pursue a career in the sustainability and climate sector.

What advice would you give future Elon students?

Get to know your professors and attend their office hours. My experience at Elon has been enriched by the connections I have made with my teachers, such as Dr. Charles Irons, Dr. Waseem Kasim, Dr. Rod Clare and Dr. Michael Matthews in the history department, as well as Dr. Aaron Sparks, Dr. Jessica Carew, and Dr Jason Kirk in the Political Science Department.

Also, get involved with activities, groups and events at Elon that you’re really passionate about. I would recommend doing a First Year Summer Experience as well, to help find a sense of community at Elon early on. I was able to get involved with the First Year Summer Experience, Adventure in Leadership, as a participant, facilitator, and then, a coordinator, and I am extremely grateful for the community I found there.

I have also been grateful for the alumni and friends that I have connected with through these organizations. From being an orientation leader to being a part of Greek life, I have made great friendships through the organizations I have joined and things I have been involved with during my time at Elon. Besides organizations and clubs, make sure to take classes in a wide variety of subjects, as this presents one of the life-long benefits of a liberal arts education.

What’s your favorite Elon tradition and why?

I really enjoy the luminaries, because it brings the community together and it occurs at a great time to reflect on the fall semester. The luminaries also brighten up Elon’s campus and create a festive atmosphere. I loved searching for luminaries with our names on them this year with my friends!