School of Education alumna publishes article with faculty mentor based on her Lumen Prize research

After exploring the potential connections between outdoor learning environments and improved outcomes for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder during her time at Elon, Samantha Friedman '18 has co-authored an article with mentor Scott Morrison, associate professor of education, in a peer-reviewed journal.

Samantha Friedman ’18, who majored in special education and history, explored the potential connections between outdoor learning environments and improved outcomes for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder during her time at Elon. You can read more about her Lumen Prize research here.

Samantha Friedman ’18

Associate Professor of Education Scott Morrison and Friedman ’18 recently co-authored an article published in a peer-reviewed journal, Frontiers in Education.

The open access article, available to read here, is titled “’I just want to stay out there all day’: A Case Study of Two Special Educators and Five Autistic Children Learning Outside at School” and was developed from data collected as part of Friedman’s Lumen Prize research during her time at Elon.

Friedman ’18 is now in the second year of a doctoral program in psychology at the University of Cambridge where she studies the impact of access, engagement, and connection to nature (e.g., via Forest Schools) on both autistic and neurotypical children. Morrison and Friedman continue to collaborate on research projects related to autism and nature-based learning.

The paper’s abstract reads as follows:

“School is often stressful for autistic students. Similarly, special educators are susceptible to burnout because of the unique demands of their jobs. There is ample evidence that spending time outside, particularly in nature, has many positive effects on mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In this case study of two special educators and five autistic students in a social skills group at an elementary school in the southeastern United States, we sought to identify the effects of moving the class outside several times per week. Findings indicated that while there were challenges, the autistic children experienced numerous affordances that supported development towards achieving Individualized Education Plan goals. Moreover, there were also notable positive effects for the special educators. We found that even with little prior experience, learning outside is possible and beneficial to everyone involved.”

The article reference is: Friedman, S. & Morrison, S. A. (2021). “I just want to stay out there all day”: A case study of two special educators and five autistic children learning outside at school. Frontiers in Education, 6(668991).