Students from Overman's research lab gave virtual presentations at international scientific conferences.
Amy Overman and recent alumni of her research laboratory presented their scientific findings at four international conferences in the past academic year.

Overman, who is a professor in the Psychology Department and Neuroscience Program and assistant dean of Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences, co-authored presentations with former students Jordyn Cowan ’21, Hannah Greenwood ’20, Carter Jenkins ’21 and Emma Siritzky ’20, that disseminated the findings of research they conducted together at Elon.
- During the summer of 2021, Jenkins presented “Graph theoretical analysis of the default mode network in healthy older adults and adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: an fMRI project” at the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 30th Annual Meeting, and Cowan presented “Young and older adults are more alike in multisensory detection than multisensory associative recognition” at the Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention. Both presentations were co-authored with Overman, and the latter presentation was also co-authored with Joseph Stephens of N.C. A&T State University and Micah Murray of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
- During the spring of 2021, Cowan, Jenkins and Overman were co-authors of the presentation “Encoding-retrieval congruency affects the neural processing of veridical associative recollection in older adults” at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Virtual Meeting, along with Courtney Gerver and Nancy Dennis of Penn State University.
- In fall of 2020, Siritzky presented “Examining the relation of item-based visual paired comparison performance to associative memory in young and older adults” at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society with co-authors Overman, Greenwood and Stephens.
The work presented at these conferences is part of Overman’s ongoing, NIH-funded research on associative memory and aging.