Members of the sophomore class gathered at Rhodes Stadium Monday night for a special celebration in recognition of their less-than-ideal start at Elon last year.
The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc last year on the traditional celebrations to mark the successful completion of high school and the beginning of the college experience for Elon University’s Class of 2024.
Just months away from concluding their secondary education, these students were sent home due to the pandemic to finish the school year remotely, with high school graduation taking place virtually for many. They arrived at Elon in August 2020 to start their time at the university facing health and safety requirements that shifted many Elon traditions, including New Student Convocation, online and led to the cancellation of many in-person events during the year.
On Monday night, these now-sophomores were invited to Rhodes Stadium to start the year with a celebration and to make up for much that was missed when they arrived on campus a year ago as first-year students. With rock-climbing, inflatables, music, food and more, the Class of 2024 was able to gather together to kick off the new school year with a bang.

“This past year was definitely one to remember,” said Britt Mobley ’24, sophomore class president, to his fellow student gathered at Rhodes Stadium. “However, the best is yet to come. We have a clean slate and a new year to leave our legacy, not only in the classroom, but in every aspect of this university.”
Mobley encouraged his fellow students to make up for what they missed out on last year by getting involved in a multitude of ways across the university. “Let’s show how we can make a difference all around campus,” Mobley said.
Monday night’s offerings included booths for the Organization Fair, which will be held on Thursday, Aug. 26. The annual fair, held this year on Young Commons at 6 p.m., serves as an opportunity for students to connect with student organizations by learning about their missions and activities and seeing how that can fit into the Elon experience.
Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley told the class that while a lot of what happened last year was out of their control, what they can control is the way they choose to engage going forward. “I want you to feel empowered to find out how you want to move forward,” Dooley said. “What are the choices you want to make about how you engage? There are lots of traditions I want to make sure you experience at Elon and that you take part in.”
From playing corn hole, to riding a mechanical bull and playing with an oversized chess set, members of the Class of 2024 came together Monday night in a way that was not always possible during their first year at Elon as the campus relied on health and safety measures to weather the pandemic. This year starts with an updated mask policy that requires students, faculty and staff to wear masks indoors for the time being due to the rise in the number of cases nationally and locally. More than 94 percent of students were vaccinated before returning to Elon, and those who received exemptions from the vaccination requirement will be tested for COVID-19 weekly.

Monday night was a night to enjoy a meal from Elon Dining, cool treats from Pelican’s SnoBalls, and have caricatures drawn by an artist. Following the celebration, the Class of 2024 was giving priority seating in Rhodes Stadium for the hypnotist performance. The night was a time for these student to reconnect face-to-face, and to build new relationships that will carry them forward during their time at Elon.
In her comments to the Class of 2024, President Connie Ledoux Book said she was very proud of this class and how they have endured a challenging time. “You stuck with it,” Book said. “I’m proud to have you here as Elon Phoenix and really proud to have you back here on campus. Tonight is a celebration of you, Class of 2024, and the unique gifts and talents that each of you bring to our community. It adds a richness, and that’s why I’m grateful that you’re here.”