Megan Squire cited in CNN report on reaction of White supremacists to Taliban takeover

The segment on the national news network focused on how comments on online platforms commonly used by some anti-government, White supremacist and other domestic extremist groups have been "framing the activities of the Taliban as a success."

A recent CNN report focused on how some members of White supremacist groups are praising the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan includes insights from Professor of Computer Science Megan Squire, an expert on online extremism.

Megan Squire, professor of computer science

The report followed a call with local and state law enforcement officials by John Cohen, who heads the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis. In the call, according to CNN, Cohen noted “several concerning trends have emerged in recent weeks on online platforms commonly used by anti-government, White supremacist and other domestic violent extremist groups, including ‘framing the activities of the Taliban as a success,’ and a model for those who believe in the need for a civil war in the U.S.”

Squire researches U.S. domestic extremist groups and she told CNN she has examining the main communication trends on online platforms often used by White supremacist groups. Squire told CNN that the most common theme she has seen focused on the idea that the the United States is “importing the Taliban” by relocating of Afghans to the country, and that Afghan refugees are too different to become citizens.

“It’s really an anti-Muslim idea, anti-immigration idea,” she said.

Read and view the entire segment here.