Associate Professor Lisa Buchanan co-authors article on preservice teaching of immigration, refugee experiences

The article, co-authored by Buchanan recently appeared in The Journal of Social Studies Research.

Lisa Buchanan, associate professor of education in the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, recently co-authored a qualitative research study on how preservice teachers analyze documentaries about immigration and refugee experiences.

Buchanan joined co-authors Jeremy Hilburn from UNC Wilmington and Wayne Journell from UNC Greensboro, in using three documentaries with 112 undergraduate and graduate preservice teachers in elementary, middle and secondary grades to better understand their cognitive and affective stances when viewing and responding to the three films. Each documentary presented counterstories of immigrants and refugees, including immigrants’ experiences navigating the arrival and citizenship process in the United States.

As part of the study, authors analyzed preservice teachers’ content knowledge of immigration and refugee policies and contexts and their culturally responsive dispositions towards immigration experiences.

Their article, “Positioning Documentaries as Vehicles for Developing Preservice Teachers’ Analytic Skills,” published in The Journal of Social Studies Research, is part of a larger body of scholarship that Buchanan, Hilburn, Journell and Cara Ward, UNC Wilmington, have developed focused on using film in teacher education.