Career Moves: Information session sparked pursuit of digital marketing career

Ally Rardon ’21 is joining a company that sparks her interest in digital marketing, image recognition technology and artificial intelligence algorithms.

Ally Rardon ’21, a marketing major from Upper Arlington, Ohio, is the next person to be featured this fall in a series of Today at Elon profiles on the recent experiences of students and alumni who use the Student Professional Development Center to achieve their professional and career related goals.

Rardon recently answered questions from the SPDC about her experience:

What were you trying to accomplish when you met with the professional staff in the SPDC and what specific help did you receive? What have you learned from the experience?

My main goal was to practice responses to potential interview questions and prepare myself for job interviews. I learned how to highlight my accomplishments without saying outright, “These are my skills,” and became more confident in interviewing and speaking to employers about myself. I also received help with writing cover letters and developing a strong resume.

How did your interest in the organization develop?

I first became interested in working for Lippe Taylor during my senior year when representatives from Lippe Taylor visited Elon to share information about the company and the internships they offered. I was immediately captivated by their stories and intrigued by the fact that a woman founded the company. It was then that I knew I wanted to be a part of their team. I love that they are a marketing/PR agency focused on digital marketing.

Tell me about your experience in landing this opportunity at Lippe Taylor.

Stephanie Bourland, associate director of corporate and employer relations for the School of Communications, sent me the opportunity because she thought I would be interested in the position. She then sent the recruiter a letter of recommendation on my behalf.

Soon afterwards, I was invited to three interviews with Lippe Taylor executives. I was thrilled to be considered for the position. Two weeks later I was extended an offer and started shortly after.

Which faculty members did you work with to prepare and what help did you receive?

I was lucky enough to work with many people in the SPDC. Specifically, I worked with Cindy Sweeny and Ross Wade, and received help and support from Danielle Golinsky, Stephanie Bourland, Alison Doherty and Amber Moser. Everyone was amazing at making me feel prepared for a job after graduation, and for aiding me in the stressful process of searching for a job.

What recommendations would you share with other students about the SPDC?

The SPDC is a great way to boost your confidence when searching for a job or internship. They will help you find opportunities, but most importantly, they will help you to feel prepared and have a successful application and interview. Every student, no matter their major orintentions post-grad should meet with a career advisor a few times a semester to go over their goals and plan how they can best execute them.