Mark Kurt selected as assistant dean of global education

Following a competitive search, Dr. Mark Kurt, professor of economics, has been selected as assistant dean of global education in the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center (GEC).

The Isabella Cannon Global Education Center (GEC) is excited to welcome Professor of Economics Mark Kurt to its staff as assistant dean of global education.

Kurt is an accomplished faculty member who has been recognized for his success as a teacher, mentor and scholar. He joined the Elon faculty in 2008 after earning his doctoral degree in economics from the University of Iowa. In his 13-plus years at Elon, Kurt has been significantly involved in global education, contributing to study abroad, international student support through dual degree programs, international institutional collaboration, curricular advancement and research.

Kurt has served as director of the International Business Dual Degree Program, as well as a faculty-in-residence for Elon’s Center in London, a leader of 15 short-term study abroad programs from 2010 through 2022, and a member of the Global Education Curriculum Committee.

He has also had impacts across institutions through the International Partnership of Business Schools, a consortium of 13 universities across 10 countries, though the creation of the international business immersion certificate, and organizing two multi-institutional conferences focused on international business education in a global context.

Kurt and International Business Dual Degree students.

In addition to his work creating international opportunities for students, Kurt’s research has shaped the field of international education, with publications in peer-reviewed journals such as Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad and the Journal of Studies in International Education.

The appointment of assistant dean is a four-year commitment, with the opportunity to extend for an additional two years. Kurt began the role on Feb. 1 and will transition into the role full time during the spring semester.

Kurt follows Associate Professor of Music and Education Matt Buckmaster, who served as the GEC’s inaugural assistant dean of global education for six years. Buckmaster assumed the role of executive director of the Elon Core Curriculum on Jan. 1, and will continue to work closely with GEC staff and global curricula where intersecting with the Elon Core Curriculum.

“We have been incredibly fortunate to have the wisdom, expertise, and leadership of Professor Buckmaster in the role of assistant dean,” said Nick Gozik, dean of global education. “He has helped move the University and GEC forward in strengthening the quality and depth of overseas programming, developing a new set of Global courses, and providing development opportunities for faculty, among many other important initiatives.

Dr. Kurt with Dr. Tina Das teaching “Japan, Hong Kong, and Seoul: Exploring Business and Culture.”

“While we will miss Professor Buckmaster in this role, we look forward to the arrival of Professor Mark Kurt as the GEC’s new assistant dean,” Gozik said. “Professor Kurt brings a wealth of experience in ways that aligns with Elon’s upcoming global strategic plan, including his work with international students, dual degree programs, short-term programs, and professional schools.”

Janelle Papay Decato, associate director for global short-term programs, and Olivia Choplin, associate professor of French, co-chaired the search committee. “We were all impressed with the caliber of candidates who applied and are excited to welcome Dr. Mark Kurt to the GEC as assistant dean,” Decato said.

Other members of the search committee are Haya Ajjan, Eric Hall, Jennifer Platania, Andrea Sinn, Carol Smith and Kim Stokes.