Belk Library to provide Elon researchers with open access publishing options

Elon University has entered agreements that enable researchers at Elon to publish their articles open access (OA) with the select publishers.

Through Belk Library, Elon University has entered agreements that enable researchers at Elon to publish their articles open access (OA) with the following publishers:

  • Cambridge University Press (no cost to publish OA)
  • Wiley Journals (no cost to publish OA)
  • Oxford University Press (10% off publishing fees)
  • SAGE Journals (10% off publishing fees for approximately 1000 SAGE journals)

Open access publishing means everyone can read, cite and share the work at no cost. Open access publications are free from most copyright and licensing restrictions, which allows the public free access.

More access means a higher readership, more downloads and more citations. According to a Wiley study of over 400,000 articles, OA articles were downloaded three times as often, cited twice as often and received a higher Altmetric score than articles that require subscription access.

Brian Pennington, director of the Center for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society and professor of Religious Studies, guest-edited a series of articles in early 2021 and made it open access through our agreement with Cambridge University Press.

The articles focused on controversial contemporary political issues in India and Pennington wanted to make them widely available in the country, given that most of the scholarship on India that is produced outside of the country is inaccessible to Indians themselves.

“When we explored open access possibilities with the journal, we were quoted subvention costs in that approached $10,000 and gave up,” Pennington said. “A few months later I received an email from Cambridge UP informing me that our articles were eligible for free Open Access publication because of the press’s recent agreement with Elon. I actually assumed the offer was a scam and only clicked on the third reminder message to discover that it was all legitimate. We were elated. And simply by filling out an easy online form, within days the articles became available, and we immediately saw readership hits from India escalating.”

For more information about OA publishing or the resources available, please contact a Belk librarian.