Spring 2022 volunteer opportunities hosted by the Kernodle Center for Civic Life

The Kernodle Center for Civic Life announces service opportunities available for students during the Spring 2022 semester.

The Kernodle Center for Civic Life at Elon says its mission is to inspire, educate and prepares students  to partner with diverse communities to address local and global challenges, and gain a deeper understanding of their responsibility to actively contribute to civic life.

The Kernodle Center serves as the convener of community-based engaged and experiential student learning opportunities in collaboration with faculty, staff and community partners to address the common good.

In the Fall 2021 semester, 108 students were recognized to the Kernodle Center for Civic Life Service Honor Roll for at least 50 hours of volunteer service and hundreds more volunteered throughout the semester.

Student will have just as many chances to serve the community with a variety of ongoing and one-time service opportunities available for the spring semester.

See the calendar below for more information.  Click here for registration on the Phoenix Serve platform for most of these events, opportunities, and programs.

For more information or questions, contact the Kernodle Center for Civic Life at 336-278-7250 or by emailing elonvols@elon.edu.