Elon students advance in national vocal competition

Several Elon Music and Performing Arts students competed at the National Association of Teachers of Singing Mid-Atlantic Regional Competition this past weekend and received top honors.

Several Elon music students competed at the North Carolina chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing Classical Competition in February and advanced to the Mid-Atlantic regionals that were held virtually on March 19 and March 20.

Over 350 students from the region competed at this level, and six Elon students with the top scores have advanced to the Final, National Level, which will be held in Chicago this summer. The following students were winners at the state level and advanced to regionals:

  • Eva Pierce ’22, Junior Classical Women,  student of Hallie Hogan
  • Alexa Lugo ’22, Senior Classical Women, student of Hallie Hogan
  • Mary Louise Fuller ’22, Senior Classical women, student of Polly Cornelius
  • David D’Ardenne ’22, Senior Classical Men, student of Gretchen Bruesehoff Wiles
  • Sarah Poythress ’22, Senior Classical Women, student of Gretchen Bruesehoff Wiles
  • Ella Nagel ’25, First-Year Classical Women, student of Gretchen Bruesehoff

Nagel won first place in the regionals and advanced to the national competition. Poythress won third place at the regionals. D’Ardenne also advanced to the nationals in the Senior Classical Men category.

Several Elon Music Theatre students who won at the state level last fall were also winners at the recent Mid-Atlantic regionals and have advanced to the nationals.

  • Sitare Sadeghi ’25, first place, first-year music theatre women, student of Polly Cornelius, advanced to Nationals
  • Mary Kate McDonald, first place, second year music theatre women, student of Polly Cornelius, advanced to Nationals
  • Micah Day ’24, first place, second year music theatre men, student of Polly Cornelius, advanced to Nationals
  • Abby Harnum ’22, first place, third-year music theatre women, student of Polly Cornelius, advanced to Nationals.

Congratulations to all of these talented students and their voice professors.