Admit when you need help. Seek mentors. Get plenty of sleep before exams. Professors representing five law schools took part in an Elon Law-hosted program on April 29, 2022, featuring tips for excelling on exams and making the most of summer internships.
How should you prepare for final exams? For starters, get plenty of rest. All-nighters can very often lead to poor performance.
What should you do during a summer internship? Network with everyone you meet and ask your supervisors what they want you to achieve by the time you return to school.
Why is it important to watch how you talk with others when you’re under stress? Because they’ll remember how you treated them and might blame the profession for how “you” are changing.
Five professors from across the United States, joined by the incoming editor-in-chief of the Texas Tech Law Review, served up important wisdom on April 29, 2022, in an Elon Law-hosted webinar for students completing their first year of law school.
“First Gen: Exams and Beyond” featured information relevant for any student of the law, though it paid special attention to issues that often impact first-generation students more than students with a family history of college or graduate school.
Faculty discussion leaders included:
- Professor and Senior Scholar Steve Friedland (Elon Law)
- Professor Dustin Benham (Texas Tech University School of Law)
- Associate Dean Olympia Duhart (Shepard Broad College of Law at Nova Southeastern University)
- Associate Dean Susan Kuo (University of South Carolina School of Law)
- Professor Sophie Sparrow (Franklin Pierce School of Law at the University of New Hampshire)
- Zach Zahn (incoming editor-in-chief of the Texas Tech Law Review)
This is the second consecutive year that Elon Law has hosted a webinar to provide information and support to first-generation law students. “National Alliance of First-Generation Law School Students” took place last April and featured participation by dozens of students from across the United States.