The assistant professor of mathematics discussed bifurcation and sensitivity analysis results in a model of macrophage polarization during biomath graduate seminar talk at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Hwayeon Ryu recently gave a biomathematics graduate seminar talk virtually at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).

This seminar series typically attract a mix of faculty, master’s and doctoral students, and undergraduate students at VCU, in which the topics fall under the broad umbrella of biomathematics.
Her talk, titled “Bifurcation and Sensitivity Analysis in a Model of Macrophage Polarization,” detailed recently published work in macrophage polarization process. In this talk, she presented a mathematical model for polarization of a single macrophage which, despite its simplicity, exhibits complex dynamics in terms of multistability.
At the end, numerical results were presented, which helped formulate hypotheses that could be further investigated by laboratory experiments to deepen our understanding of macrophage polarization.