End-of-year message from President Connie Ledoux Book

President Book delivered this video message to faculty and staff at the close of the 2021-22 academic year.

Greetings Colleagues,

This week we celebrate the achievements of students in the Class of 2022, with our combined graduate commencement ceremony this evening, and two undergraduate commencement ceremonies on Friday.

Thank you for the contributions each of you has made — mentoring, teaching and supporting our students to this important milestone. We have much to celebrate, and the future for our graduates is bright.

The pace of work at Elon is so high that we often wrap up one academic year and immediately begin thinking about the start of classes in August. But this year, I want us to take a slightly different approach.

Once Commencement is over, I’d like you to pause to do two important things.

First, I ask that you reflect on all that you accomplished during this unique and historic year. Under the most difficult circumstances, you persevered. When you encountered problems, you found creative solutions. When our students needed extra help and support, you were there. At every turn, you were personally committed and professionally skilled. You went above and beyond. I’m confident that when the history of the pandemic at Elon is written, the story will be that we took care of one another. So please hear this clear message: Thank you! Enjoy a few moments of pride in a job well done. Put it on your LinkedIn. Brag to your family. Don’t be afraid to say it — your work was outstanding.

Second, you can’t continue to do work of this caliber if you don’t refuel the tank. So please plan your summer so you get some time away from work. Instead of ready and resilient, we need to think rejuvenate and refresh.

Next year’s Boldly Elon work is going to be exciting and rewarding, with a record first-year class, new academic programs, the opening of the Innovation Quad and much more. There’s much to do to get ready. But the first two steps on that road are the most important: Appreciate what we have done together this year, and take care of your health and wellness.

Best wishes for a great summer with your friends and family!

Connie Ledoux Book