An interactive display in Alamance Building promotes the discovery of censored and blacklisted literature.

Since 1982, Banned Books Week has brought attention to the practice of a variety of groups that ban or restrict certain texts and authors. This form of censorship often is the result of sensitive subjects addressed in books, such as violence, offensive language, and sexist or racist language/situations. Each banned book has its own story about when and why it was banned.
This year, the International English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta, has put up an interactive display for Banned Books Week 2022, Sept. 18-24 on the third floor of Alamance Building.
The theme this year is “Books unite us; censorship divides us.” If you visit the display, feel free to tear off the paper to reveal more banned books (you might be surprised!) and read the information about why books are banned and see the top 10 banned books of 2021-22.
For more information, visit or the American Library Association website,