‘Please Clap!’ student improv troupe offers comedic fun on Elon’s campus

Elon’s all-inclusive comedy club is ready to make their audience laugh at LaRose Theater on Friday, October 21.

As classes resume in full swing after fall break, Please Clap!, Elon’s all-inclusive improv club, is offering the Elon community a chance to relax and enjoy some laughs on Friday, October 21 in LaRose Theater at 7 p.m. The performance is free to attend and will not require any audience participation.

Audiences can expect a high-energy and spontaneous atmosphere as the improv troupe performs a series of entirely improvised scenes following a central story. Friday’s show is titled “New Student Orientation,” and will follow various cliques through the high school experience.

Please Clap! prides itself on being a welcoming space for any student on campus. The club has over 30 active members and meets twice a week. While their meetings focus on improving performance skills and helping members build on base comedy fundamentals, the club also makes sure to spend time building relationships between members.

“The community aspect is doubly important being a performance group, as trust outside of scenes is absolutely integral to people feeling comfortable enough to put themselves out there in front of the group,” said Ben Hawkins ‘23, president of the club. “People often don’t realize just how funny they are; seeing them become a completely different person on stage is what it’s all about.”

The club’s mission is to provide its members with the opportunity to grow as people and as improvisers. Hawkins holds workshops during each meeting that focus on different aspects of improvisational comedy, such as stage presence, comedic timing and body language. The improv troupe also holds a variety of social events throughout the year, which helps to connect the club members off the stage.

“Our social events, in my opinion, are really what help connect club members beyond our meetings and some of my best friends have been made at improv because of them,” said Jess Baker ‘24, treasurer of the club. “Please Clap! is the twice-a-week highlight of my week and something I look forward to year-round.”

Both Hawkins and Baker have been involved with the club since their freshman year, and now hold leadership positions as board members. Both have enjoyed seeing the club grow and have developed newfound confidence and friendships over the years.

“Simply put, people should come to our show if they enjoy laughing,” said Hawkins. “This is the most dynamic, creative, and hilarious group of people anywhere on campus.”

Please Clap! does not hold auditions, and interested students are encouraged to attend one of their meetings to get involved. Their meetings are held on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. in Global Commons.

More information can also be found on the club’s social media pages. The troupe posts regular updates on their Instagram @pleaseclapimprov.