Shively, associate professor of performing arts, expands her research and professional activity by training and presenting to film professionals in Europe.

The field of intimacy choreography and coordination continues to rise in attention as an emerging practice in the entertainment industry. Associate Professor of Performing Arts Kim Shively is recognized internationally as a leader in this field.
Recently, Shively and colleague Laura Rikard from the University of South Carolina, Upstate have been working with professionals in the film industry in Europe. Rikard is co-founder of Theatrical Intimacy Education (TIE), and Shively is an associate faculty with the organization, dedicated to educating theater makers in intimacy best practices.
In May, Shively and Rikard were selected to train a group of current and developing intimacy coordinators in Berlin, Germany. This workshop was sponsored by Culture Change Hub, an advocacy foundation that works with the German film industry and entertainment funding agencies.
The two also presented through Bundesverband Schauspiel, one of the major funding organizations for the Austrian film industry at Wien Film in Vienna. The success of this work resulted in Shively and Rikard being invited to present virtually this month to the European Film Agency Directors (EFAD), an organization that unites film agencies and funding bodies across the continent.
Shively joined TIE, which is the leading research and educational organization in the country, in 2018 as its first assistant faculty, joining Rikard and Chelsea Pace. Associate Professor of Performing Arts Susanne Shawyer also joined TIE as affiliate faculty the following year. Since joining TIE, Shively and Shawyer have collaborated and published their research on theatrical intimacy in the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism.
Shively has developed trainings and methods for translating the best practices of Theatrical Intimacy Education in spaces with minors and has been an invited artist scholar at organizations and institutions across the country. Shively also has led workshops in group dynamics for creative spaces and community agreements. She continues to work as an Intimacy Choreographer for professional and educational theatre and mentors Elon students for the profession.