Career Moves: Maria Torres Monteverde ’23 discovered her passion for the health care industry through professional experiences

Torres Monteverde discovered her love of the healthcare industry when interning for Edelman, a global communications firm, and has since aligned her professional and academic goals to pursue healthcare in her post-graduate journey.

Maria Torres Monteverde ’23, a double major in communication design and strategic communications with a minor in business administration, discovered her industry-specific interest after working with a client in the health care industry at a major public relations agency in 2021.

Interning for Edelman, a global communications firm, has aligned her professional and academic goals to pursue healthcare in her post-graduate journey. She landed an internship with NYU Langone Health this past summer.

Torres Monteverde credits Elon for providing her with the skills and resources to make bold strides in the direction of her dreams. She recently answered questions regarding her professional journey and the role of the Student Professional Development Center (SPDC) in her trajectory.

What were you trying to accomplish when you met with the SPDC and what specific help did you receive?

When I met with Amber Moser in the SPDC, I wanted to make sure that my resume and cover letter skills were polished. It is difficult to navigate the job search process as an international student, as many companies have specific visa requirements. Additionally, the SPDC helped me to prepare for interviews by practicing questions and providing me with the information and tools to succeed in my application process.

How did your interest in working for Edelman develop?

I started networking every week with Elon alumni who currently work at Edelman. Through colleague connections, I soon built a large support network. Everyone was very willing to help and had diverse backgrounds and experiences, which bolstered my interest in the position. I am grateful to my Edelman colleagues who have supported me throughout college.

Tell me about your experience in landing this opportunity with Edelman.

When I read the job requirements, it mentioned that candidates should be a rising senior or college graduate. At the time, I was a rising junior. Undeterred, I applied, networked, and did research to learn about the company. After four rounds of phone and video call interviews, I was notified with an amazing offer!

It was rewarding to see how dreams can come true through effort and dedication. It also affirmed the importance of applying to interesting jobs even if you don’t meet all the requirements, as you may have other skillsets that can set your application apart.

I used the skills and tools that Elon’s education has provided me with and proved to myself that I can reach anything in life if I invest the time, effort and dedication.

What specific things about Edelman’s culture made an impression on you?

The people and DEI culture were very rewarding elements of the internship, along with the projects and clients who I worked with. Although this internship was online due to COVID-19, I was able to participate in online activities that helped me to connect with my peers.

What did you learn from your internship experience with Edelman?

Interning for Edelman in the summer of 2021 changed the trajectory of my time at Elon. I discovered my passion and realized that I want to work in the healthcare field in the future. I used my communication skills through drafting DMRs and press releases, looking at databases and meeting with clients. I used the skills and tools that Elon’s education has provided me with and proved to myself that I can reach anything in life if I invest the time, effort and dedication. This internship led to my summer internship with NYU Langone in New York City.

Which other faculty members did you work with to prepare, and what help did you receive?

I must give a huge shout-out to Dr. Kenn Gaither, who has been my biggest role model and mentor throughout my time at Elon. He has mentored me for the past three and a half years through coffee chats, resume workshops and life advice. Thanks to him, I was able to connect with NYU Langone and get an internship this past summer. I also want to thank my advisor Assistant Professor Michele Lashley, who I could speak with for hours! Dr. Gaither and Dr. Lashley are my biggest inspirations and role models at Elon.

Looking forward, how has your professional experience influenced your career aspirations and plans for your life after graduation?

I will be going to grad school at NYU to obtain a Master of Arts in Bioethics! I am elated for this and for a full-time job after that. I’m excited to go to NYU’s School of Global Public Health and to work in the healthcare field!

What recommendations would you share with other students about the Student Professional Development Center?

Make use of the SPDC. There are endless services, activities and tools that you can utilize during your time at Elon and beyond!