The ALL In Campus Democracy Challenge recognized Elon University as one of the top institutions working increase nonpartisan student voter registration, education and turnout, as well as ensure equitable access to the polls for their campus community.
Elon University has been recognized in the inaugural ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for Colleges Student Voting recognition program by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
The recognition is a part of ALL IN’s mission to advance voting efforts on campuses nationwide. And there’s no shortage of interest among college students in civic engagement as this year saw the second-highest youth voter turnout rate for a midterm election in nearly 30 years.

“The research is clear: colleges and universities that make intentional efforts to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement have higher campus voter registration and voter turnout rates. Despite ongoing obstacles, these campuses have remained dedicated in their commitment to ensuring that their students are informed and confident voters,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, executive director of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
Elon Votes! is a nonpartisan campus initiative created to provide students with the necessary resources to register to vote and cast their ballots in upcoming elections. Elon Votes! is housed within the Kernodle Center for Civic Life and works to boost civic engagement through events such as AbsenTEA, where members help students request absentee ballots while enjoying tea and snacks, and Election Night watch parties. Elon Votes! also organizes transportation for students to get to local polling places on Election Day.
Elon Votes! also hosts Deliberative Dialogues events each semester, giving the Elon community a chance to gather and exchange diverse views and experiences to seek a shared understanding of a challenge facing society as well as a common ground for action.
More about Elon Votes! and voting resources available for students can be found on the organization’s website.