Unity LA, WEEE amplify Black women in honor of Black History Month

The two alumni chapters in Los Angeles co-hosted a successful women's event for Black History Month.

Attendees at the "Black Women in Media Brunch" on Sunday, Feb. 19 in Los Angeles.In honor of Black History Month, Unity LA, an Elon University alumni group created to celebrate diversity and advance inclusion, and WEEE (Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire), a group for Elon alumnae working in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, hosted the “Black Women in Media Brunch” on Sunday, Feb. 19.

The panel took place at Alta Adams, an award-winning Black-owned restaurant, and brought together students studying in the Elon in Los Angeles program and Los Angeles-based alumni for a lively discussion about representation in front of and behind the camera today.

More than 50 students, alumni and industry guests attended the four-hour gathering, which featured Black women industry professionals sharing life lessons and professional insights. The panel was moderated by Nneka Enurah ’11, global video partnerships lead at Amazon Ads, and featured three entertainment industry leaders.

Panelists for the discussion at the "Black Women in Media Brunch" on Sunday, Feb. 19.

Panelists included Joy Donnell, co-founder of CIME (Center for Intersectional Media + Entertainment); Amber Mike, vice president of video at BET; and Camille Bernier-Green, director of documentaries at Onyx Collective (Hulu).

The panel discussion focused on Black women’s experiences in media, celebrating Black excellence and centering Black voices. Panelists shared stories of success and struggles in the industry, highlighting ways to break into the media landscape and emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion.
Group of guests talking during the "Black Women in Media Brunch" on Sunday, Feb. 19.

The “Black Women in Media Brunch” was a great success, creating an open dialogue about Black excellence and providing valuable insights into Black women’s experiences in the media landscape. Unity LA and WEEE hope to continue hosting inclusive conversations in the future and engage more women working in entertainment and media.

To learn more about the Unity LA initiative and how to get involved, email unitylagroup@gmail.com.

To learn more about WEEE and how to get involved, email womenoftheeee@gmail.com.