Elon's Doctor of Physical Therapy program was represented strongly at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Denver, CO. Alicia Wilson and James Gerosa, second-year DPT students, also won awards at the conference.

Elon University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program had a fantastic representation at the American College of Sports Medicine 2023 conference held from May 30 to June 2 in Denver, Colorado.
The DPT program had 12 presentations including two faculty-led podium presentations and ten student-led poster presentations. A total of 14 second-year DPT students and three faculty members represented Elon’s DPT program.
In addition, Alicia Wilson won Research Award from the Biomechanics Interest Group for her presentation evaluating the obstacle clearance in mixed reality. Wilson also won the first place award for her presentation from the Aging Interest Group. James Gerosa also won a travel award from the Biomechanics Interest Group for his presentation on running in pregnant and postpartum women.
List of presentations:
Thematic Posters
Exercise Training Improves Function And Quality Of Life In Patients With Long Covid
Michelle Megurdichian, Meredith Brown, Sara Milgrom, Stephen Bailey
Mixed And Virtual Reality Obstacle Clearance Behavior In Older Adults
Alicia Wilson, Alexander Japit, Christopher Go, Matthew Lawler, Stacey Walton, Oliver Tulsa, Pratheep Kumar Paranthaman, Alys Giordano, Srikant Vallabhajosula

Does Running Speed Affect Running Kinematics During Pregnancy?
Shefali M. Christopher, Liam McCullough, James Gerosa, Koehna Fox, Haley Langley, Srikant Vallabhajosula
Longitudinal Changes In Biomechanical, Physiological, And Musculoskeletal Systems From Pregnancy To Postpartum: A Case Series
James E. Gerosa, Koehna Fox, Haley Langley, Liam McCullough, Srikant Vallabhajosula, Svetlana Nepocatych, Angela Spontelli-Gisselman, Shefali M. Christopher
Prevalence Of Mets In High School Seniors And Predictors Of Carotid Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity
Caroline Guill, Svetlana Nepocatych, John Magill

Impact Of Dual Tasking On Lower Extremity Prosthetic Users Function
Jennifer Rentz, Nicole Ridge, Breanna Lanouette, Brody Ritch, Alys Giordano, Srikant Vallabhajosula
Effects Of Gender And Number Of Trials On Backward Tandem Gait In Collegiate Athletes
Ashlyn Loring, Amy Smelko, Amber Olson, Srikant Vallabhajosula
Healthy Division 1 Athletes Are Unable To Accurately Self-report Dominant Limb
Meghan Byers, Catherine Fruin, Erin Allen, Haley Becker, Mary Kay Hannah, John Magill
Impact Of Coffee Roast Level On Force Production During The Counter Movement Jump
Jack Potter, Marco Ramirez, Corey Shedlock, Emilize Momplaisir, Gabriel Harris, Srikant Vallabhajosula, Stephen Bailey
Establishing Age Specific Strength Norms For Pediatric Return To Sport Testing
Wesley Hart, Peter OConnor, Julia Coenen, John Magill, Srikant Vallabhajosula

Educational Session
Return to Sport after Childbirth: Integrating Motherhood and Athletics
Shefali Christopher, Rita Deering
Highlighted Symposium
Functional and Biomechanical Outcomes of Cancer survivors
Srikant Vallabhajosula