Pinning Down Innovation: Celebrating University Innovation Fellows

The University Innovation Fellows Pinning Ceremony took place in April, honoring students committed to driving change through creative and entrepreneurial endeavors within the university and the broader global community.

Elon University held its annual University Innovation Fellows Pinning Ceremony on April 24 in Sankey Hall, marking a significant milestone for the cohorts of innovation-driven students.

The event was led by Alyssa Martina, executive director of the Doherty Center for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, and a Stanford Faculty Innovation Fellow.

The ceremony began with an introduction by Martina, who highlighted the importance of the University Fellows program, a collaborative initiative by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design and the Doherty Center.

The program, deeply rooted in Design Thinking principles, is designed to empower students to become agents of change within their communities and beyond. The students participate in training from Stanford University, this includes identifying a project and developing it. The ceremony marks the completion of their work.

During the event, pins were awarded to the sophomore cohort from the Class of 2026, consisting of Sam Abner, Bryan Floyd, Ian Prohofsky, Maggie Rolfe and Aidan Walsh.

A cohort from the Class of 2024, which included Alex Cope, Isabel Gouveia, Mike Radan, Sam Ramirez and Yancy Longin, were recognized for completing the program and celebrated for their leadership and contributions.

A special moment was the acknowledgment of the junior cohort, set to step into senior roles, comprising Ashley Josey, Nathaniel Lerman, Joshua Mason, TJ Mathis and Emmett Owen from the Class of 2025. The transition of leadership roles was marked by the passing of the torch from outgoing student leader Isabel Gouveia to incoming leader Ashley Josey.

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Rebecca Kohn and Dean Raghu Tadepalli of the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business joined Martina in honoring the students.

More about the University Innovation Fellows

The University Innovation Fellows program empowers students to become agents of change at their schools. The Fellows are a global community of students leading a movement to ensure that all students gain the necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge required to compete in the economy of the future. These student leaders from schools around the country create new opportunities that help their peers develop an entrepreneurial mindset, build creative confidence, seize opportunities, define problems and address global challenges. Fellows are creating student innovation spaces, founding entrepreneurship organizations, hosting experiential events, and working with faculty and administrators to develop courses. They serve as advocates for lasting institutional change with academic leaders and represent their schools at national events. The University Innovation Fellows is a program of Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( Learn more at