Three Elon seniors pass key HR certification

Elon University seniors, Julia Lapporte, Erin Rohde and Emma Doherty, have successfully earned their SHRM Certified Professional credentials.

Three Elon University seniors from the Class of 2024, Julia Lapporte, Erin Rohde, and Emma Doherty, have recently passed the Society for Human Resource Management Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) exam, a significant credential that sets them apart in the competitive field of human resources.

“The encouragement from Professor Lyons and our SHRM chapter leaders at Elon really pushed me to take this step. It’s an investment in my future that differentiates me in the job market,” said Lapporte a human resources major from Deerfield, Illinois. She is excited to start her career as an HR coordinator at Alera Group, Inc.

Rohde, who majored in Anthropology, highlighted how the certification bridges her diverse academic background with her career goals. “This certification enriches my understanding of HR, adding depth to my anthropological studies and broadening my career prospects,” said Rohde from Franklin, Tn. She looks forward to a summer job in Wyoming as a horse wrangler before diving into the HR field.

Doherty of Boston, Mass., took the exam to solidify her HR foundation while her academic learning was fresh. “I knew that getting certified as a student would give me a clear advantage when starting my career,” Doherty remarked. Majoring in Human Resource Management, she is eager to begin her role as a Talent Associate at Wayfair.

“I’m incredibly proud of Julia, Erin, and Emma for earning their SHRM-CP certification. They chose to test their knowledge and application of HR concepts, allowing them to attain a certification that differentiates them in the HR job market,” said Brian Lyons, associate professor of management at the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business. “They continue a distinguished tradition of seniors who earned their SHRM-CP prior to embarking on their professional careers.”