Two Elon students receive Undergraduate Research Awards

Carter Stoke '25 and Charlotte Dagli '25 are the recipients of the prestigious 2024 Undergraduate Research Award from North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities.

Two Elon University students are the recipients of the prestigious 2024 Undergraduate Research Award from North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities (NCICU). In total, 11 students were chosen for their work in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and psychology.

Carter Stoke

Elon student Carter Stoke

Carter Stoke ’25, an exercise science major from Clayton, North Carolina, studies the impact of high theacrine doses and how they influence cardiovascular function, enhance cognitive abilities, and alter stress response. His research highlights the potential of theacrine as a mental and performance enhancer with specific psychological impacts. Stoke’s research mentor is Titch Madzima, associate professor of exercise science and chair of the Department of Exercise Science.  

Stoke is a 2023 Lumen Scholar and the Satellite Facilities Programs Team Leader with Campus Recreation and Wellness.

Charlotte Dagli

Charlotte Dagli

Charlotte Dagli ’25, a biology major with a minor in exercise science, is working to enhance Reovirus oncolytic capacity in malignant fibrosarcoma cells via targeted viral evolution and combination therapies. She is studying panel strains and variants, along with the combinatorial impacts of Reovirus. Dagli is from Charlottesville, Virginia, and works in the Laboratory of Virus Evolution with Assistant Professor of Biology Efrain Rivera-Serrano.

Students receiving the NCICU Undergraduate Research Award must be juniors or seniors for the 2024-25 academic year and demonstrate exceptional research skills and commitment to academic excellence. The program funds stipends of various amounts, depending on the type of projects students are doing. The recipients will also present their work at the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium, scheduled for Fall 2024.