Elon faculty and staff present at NAFSA: Association of International Educators

The Director and Associate Director of Project Pericles at Elon shared their expertise related to the evaluation of global education programs.

Elon University Director of Project Pericles and Professor of Psychology Mathew Gendle and Associate Director of Project Pericles and Senior Lecturer in Public Health Studies Amanda Tapler offered two presentations at the annual conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, which took place from May 28 to 31 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

NAFSA is the world’s largest and most diverse nonprofit organization dedicated to international education and exchange.

Tapler and Gendle shared a presentation, titled “Centering Community Voices in the Evaluation of Global Learning Programs,” that was part of a session dedicated to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education. This presentation outlined techniques that meaningfully incorporate host community voices in the development, execution, analysis and dissemination of assessment outcomes within community-based global learning contexts.

Gendle, along with colleagues from Haverford College (Eric Hartman), Northeastern University (Amy Stevens), and the University of Dayton (Paul Geis) also co-led a panel, titled “Assessing Global Learning as a Tool for International Education Leadership,” that highlighted best-practices related to assessment of global learning outcomes in relation to rubrics established by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).