Ilyssa Salomon shares perspectives with FOX8 about surgeon general’s call for social media warning

Salomon, an assistant professor of psychology, spoke with the local FOX affiliate about what the surgeon general is proposing and what impact it may have.

Should social media begin carrying a warning label like those seen on packs of cigarettes or bottles of alcohol? That’s what U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has proposed, citing the potential mental health impact from using social media platforms.

Ilyssa Salomon, assistant professor of psychology

Assistant Professor of Psychology Ilyssa Salomon, whose research explores the impact of social media use on adolescent social and emotional development, recently sat down with FOX8’s Madison Forsey to discuss the surgeon general’s proposal and the impact it could have.

“I think a warning label really will bring attention to anyone who wasn’t aware of the association between social media use, technology use and negative mental health outcomes,” Salomon said. “At this point, we’ve had social media long enough that there’s enough evidence that we’ve accumulated that we can actually try to do something about it.”

Watch the full segment above to learn more.