David Bockino shares exploration into media streaming costs by Sports Media Lab

In a column for Sports Business Journal, the associate professor of sport management and director of the media analytics program shares how the Sports Media Lab surveyed students about what they would pay for sports streaming content.

How much would college students pay a decade from now to stream their favorite sports on ESPN? Elon’s Sports Media Lab recently set out to find an answer, with lab director David Bockino sharing about the research in a column recently published by in the Sports Business Journal.

David Bockino headshot
David Bockino

The research followed a conversation between Bockino, an associate professor of sport management, and a sports media executive about what she wanted to learn about the media habits of college students. Bockino and the Sports Media Lab accepted the challenge and surveyed a group of Elon students about different potential streaming packages and their potential costs.

“When targeting younger people, a generation that grew up on free content and is adept at finding pirated content online, maybe a few lessons in media economics are in order,” Bockino writes.

Read the full column to learn about the researchers’ findings.

Before entering academia, Bockino worked at ESPN for seven years in both the Research and Analytics and International Ad Sales departments, collaborating closely with ESPN offices in Mexico, South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. Along with “Game On,” Bockino is the author of “The Guidebook Experiment” and the Kindle Single “Greetings from Myanmar.”  He has published research in Newspaper Research Journal, Asian Journal of Communication, and Journalism & Mass Communication Educator and presented research papers at AEJMC, ICA and others. His teaching, writing and research interests include the media business, sports, history and travel.