Campus Kitchen: Nourishing Alamance County through sustainable partnerships and student leadership

Campus Kitchen provides an opportunity for Elon University students to give back and learn more about the community where they live.

Campus Kitchen, a program within the Kernodle Center for Civic Life, is striving to provide nutritious meals to those in Alamance County who have limited access to healthy food.

The organization is a collaborative partnership between Loy Farm, Lakeside Dining and Allied Churches of Alamance County. By utilizing resources from Loy Farm, Campus Kitchen ensures the meals are both sustainable and community-driven, fostering a network of support for local residents in need. Campus Kitchen was founded in 2011 as part of an initiative championed by President Emeritus Leo Lambert and Laurie Lambert.

Every Wednesday, Campus Kitchen provides meals to Allied Churches, allowing them to focus on other ways to support the community that day. Campus Kitchen volunteers prepared over 2,000 meals during the 2023-24 academic year, with over 350 pounds of food harvested from Loy Farm. During a campus kitchen shift, students chop vegetables, season food and complete other helpful tasks to execute the meals planned by the staff.

Lillian Argabrite ’26 is the student director of Campus Kitchen, who started her involvement with the Kernodle Center as a first-year student. After participating in Campus Kitchen, she became the student director.

“The issue of food insecurity deeply resonates with me, and I’m inspired by the sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships we’ve built,” said Argabrite.

As a collaboration between Alamance County and Elon, Argabrite stresses how impactful it is for students to get involved with the program and learn more about the issues in Alamance County.

Those interested in getting involved with Campus Kitchen can sign up for shifts on Phoenix Serve or stop by the Kernodle Center for Civic Life in Moseley 232.