Feature Phoenix: Robin Falkow ’25 highlights the Student Government Association

The Feature Phoenix series continues to welcome new, transfer and returning students with an introduction to the Student Government Association.

The Feature Phoenix series is a way for all students to learn about student organizations and clubs and how they are being inclusive on campus. Episode eight introduces Robin Falkow ’25, who serves as speaker of the Senate in Elon’s Student Government Association.

By sharing about the clubs and organizations that Elon offers, Feature Phoenix seeks to inform the university community about the values of inclusive excellence.

The Student Government Association (SGA) seeks to enhance student life and ensure that the entire student body feels valued, heard and supported. Being a part of SGA provides students the opportunity to address concerns and promote positive change by working closely with university leaders, faculty and staff.

In the video, Falkow shares about the goals of SGA and how the organization works toward promoting inclusive excellence.

“I think our number one goal is to make campus an inclusive place,” Falkow said. “Whether that is opening our organization to different members of the community and all different corners of campus.”

A goal of SGA is for all new, transfer and returning students to have a chance to connect with the Elon community, learn about traditions, engage in events and so much more. Falkow talks about her first experience with the Student Government Association and how that motivated her to continue working with the organization. The organization is dedicated to being open-minded, student-focused and driven to promote change.

If interested in learning more, the Student Government Association Senate holds business meetings on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in Moseley 215. The meetings are open to all students. SGA also hosts at least one Town Hall each semester and members of the Elon community are encouraged to attend. The next Town Hall is planned for Monday, Oct. 23, 2024.

Feature Phoenix is a great way to learn about the clubs and organizations that Elon has to offer and how inclusive excellence is engrained on the campus. The series highlights clubs and organizations of different sizes that bring together people around a range of topics. Find the newest video on the Inclusive Excellence website and visit the Elon University YouTube page to find past videos.