Claudine Moreau mixes STEM and poetry on Asheville’s 103.3 FM ‘Wordplay’

STEM poet Claudine Moreau shines on live radio show.

Claudine Moreau
Claudine Moreau (left), lecturer in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Claudine Moreau, a lecturer in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and faculty director of Historic Neighborhood, was featured live on Asheville’s 103.3 FM show “Wordplay” on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2024. Wordplay is a weekly radio show where poets and writers of creative prose share their work and engage in discussions about their craft and creative processes with hosts Jeff Davis and Lockie Hart.

This week’s episode spotlighted two women poets working in STEM fields. Moreau read from her poetry collection “Demise of Pangaea [Main Street Rag 2024]” and Britt Kaufmann, who teaches math, presented selections from her collection “Midlife Calculus [Press 53 2024].” The show offered a fascinating conversation on the intersection of math, physics, and poetry.

You can listen to the recording of Moreau and Kaufmann’s insightful and lively discussion here.