The IDEA Institute welcomes new cohort for 2024-25

The IDEA Institute welcomes a new cohort of Elon faculty and staff ready to deepen their understanding of intercultural learning and development.

The Intercultural Development and Education to Action (IDEA) Institute is welcoming a cohort of eight faculty and staff members dedicated to furthering intercultural learning and critical thinking. These faculty and staff members have committed to a one-year-long involvement that begins in Sept. 2024 and will end in Aug. 2025. By Aug. 2025, the cohort will have a presentation on their learnings and have their graduation.

The IDEA Institute is a year-long program enabling faculty and staff to deepen intercultural learning and development to expand critical thinking, all accomplished in a cohort setting. Those in the cohort will complete the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI©), create a personalized development plan, engage in development sessions and experiential learning activities to advance their intercultural learning. This institute was relaunched as a new iteration of the former Intercultural Consciousness Certificate program, which went dormant during the pandemic.

Participation will culminate in a project directly related to participants’ function on campus, unit one goals or performance appraisal goals. Upon completing all Institute requirements, graduates will receive an IDEA Institute Completion Certificate.

“It is a unique opportunity to explore intercultural competence and my development over a full and extended period of time,” said Maria Papapietro, interim director of semester and exchange programs.

In the Fall, IDEA Institute cohort members will meet for seven group development and education sessions, one and a half hours each, designed to engage in dialogue across differences and foster collective growth.

“It gives the opportunity for pause and reflection in your learning, which we don’t always receive. Something that drew me to the program was that opportunity to have an extended engagement with topics that are important to me and to my work at Elon,” said Papapietro

The cohort will also have a reflection retreat, which will take place in May 2025 at the end of the academic year. This is when the cohort will be halfway finished. They will reflect to share updates, discuss feedback and provide peer support as participants work through or complete their projects and IDP goals.

“I appreciate the opportunity to participate in a cohort experience that, in some ways mirrors my undergraduate experience at Elon. I’m grateful that Elon is making it happen and doing this,” said Lauren Forbis ’15, director of annual giving.

The IDEA Institute offers an opportunity to reflect on individual and group intercultural learning processes and to discuss ongoing commitment to engage in intercultural learning activities.

“As reflected in the name, the ultimate purpose of the Institute is to critically reflect on and examine our ideas about cultural difference and similarities, and how these thoughts impact our actions,” said Carla Fullwood, director of inclusive excellence education and education.

There will also be discussion around poster presentations and the graduation celebration marking the completion of the Institute.

“The goal is to translate this understanding to a practical idea, or innovative practice, to further advance inclusion of multiple perspectives and identities across campus,” said Fullwood.

“The opportunity to connect with folks across campus in a way that is for my own personal growth and understanding and how it applies to my work; I don’t think your average employer invests in folks in that personal and professional way like this program,” said Forbis.