Instant Laughter’s upcoming performances to provide spontaneous fun for all

Come see Instant Laughter on Oct. 18 and 19 at 7:30 p.m.

Creativity, spontaneity and drama will be present on Elon’s campus October 18-19 with Instant Laughter’s performances.

An improv department performance troupe, Instant Laughter is managed with the help of faculty director, Fred Rubeck, professor of performing arts and co-chair of the Department of Performing Arts for the 2024-25 school year.

When asked, Rubeck explained his favorite aspect of Instant Laughter is seeing ongoing members helping to train the new members each term.

“Once a student joins the company, they have a spot until they graduate,” said Rubeck. “This gives the group a real legacy feel; handing down traditions and experience. And the new folks bring so much, it’s ever-changing!”

Rubeck says there is no “backstage” work, as it all happens in front of the audience. The group usually rehearses and trains three times a week, and they utilize practice games and practice prompts to strengthen their ability to think quickly and respond quicker.

“Other than the order and introductions, everything is spontaneous. Nothing is scripted,” said Rubeck.

With slight organized chaos, Rubeck and Instant Laughter hope the audience has good fun and feels like part of that fun. Juggling school, work and life can be exhausting, and sometimes it’s important to just slow down and find things that bring you back to earth.

“I think it’s important, especially in tough times like now, that we remember to lighten our hearts and find humor,” said Rubeck.

Come see Instant Laughter on Oct. 18 and 19 at 7:30 p.m. Performances are held in Yeager Recital Hall, Center for the Arts. Admission is $15 at the door, and all proceeds benefit Elon’s performing arts program.