Casey DiRienzo, professor of economics, offers her expertise to WFMY News 2 on the rising cost of eggs.
Elon University Professor of Economics and Chair of the Department of Economics Casey DiRienzo was recently interviewed by WFMY News 2 about the rising cost of eggs due to bird flu
From the WFMY article titled “Rising egg prices hit local businesses hard” on Jan. 27:
“So, you have the demand that has remained relatively steady for eggs, but given the death of a significant number of chickens, egg-laying chickens, we have a decrease in the supply of eggs, which is pushing up prices and unfortunately about 50% of the chickens that died, died within about two months, so that was a real big hit. When we think of buying the necessities, you know, before a storm or something, what do we get? Milk, eggs, bread. So, it’s one of those staples to the American household, and seeing those prices go up, it can understandably make folks nervous, especially if they don’t know why the prices are going up.”
DiRienzo said she expects prices to come back down as more and more chickens reach the age where they can lay eggs and catch up with the demand.