Wimperis appeared as one of a handful of interviewed scholars whose research focuses on the ancient Roman epic poem "Aeneid" and the fraught political circumstances of its authorship.
Elon University Assistant Professor of Classical Studies Tedd Wimperis was featured on a recent radio documentary aired on CBC/Radio-Canada’s “Ideas” program. The theme of the documentary is the ancient Roman epic poem the “Aeneid,” composed in the first century BCE, and its far-reaching relevance to later discourse on imperialism, power and justice—up to the current political moment in the United States.
Wimperis appeared as one of a handful of interviewed scholars whose research focuses on the “Aeneid” and the fraught political circumstances of its authorship, as Rome was transitioning from a republican to autocratic government under the reign of its first emperor, Augustus. He recently published a book on the political contexts and messages of the “Aeneid”, titled “Constructing Communities in Vergil’s Aeneid: Cultural Memory, Identity, and Ideology.”
The full documentary, titled “How to Build an Empire: The Aeneid Guide for US Politics,” produced by journalist Tom Jokinen, can be accessed on the CBC Ideas website.