Karty receives chemistry research grant

Joel Karty, assistant professor in the chemistry department, was awarded $30,148 from Research Corporation for his continuing work on “Resonance and Inductive/Field Effects in Fundamental Chemical Systems.” In the chemical systems being studied, resonance effects and field/inductive effects contribute simultaneously. Karty’s work aims to employ computational methods to quantify the respective contributions by the two effects. This award will primarily be used to fund summer research students at Elon and to purchase new computers and software.

The second foundation established in the United States and the only one devoted to the advancement of science, Research Corporation was founded in 1912. Over its 90-year history Research Corporation has endeavored to address critical issues that impact science. Over the years Research Corporation has sought to meet national needs in science by direct involvement, committing resources appropriate to the task, even when these commitments had a major impact on endowment. Major activities of Research Corporation are associated with grants activities operated through five major programs: the Science Development program, the Cottrell College Science Award program, the Research Innovation Award program, the Cottrell Scholar Award program, and the Research Opportunity Award program. The Reseach Corporation headquarters is in Tucson, Ariz.