Koury Business Center construction site

While work on the interior of the Ernest A. Koury Sr. Business Center is expected to be completed for the opening of classes, construction will continue on the building’s exterior and surrounding facilities.

Pedestrians will have safe access to the building and be routed around construction work. Sidewalks will allow students and faculty to enter the building at the front entrance as well as the south door near the new tram path.

The Chandler Fountain and Plaza, as well as the colonnade at the front of the Koury Business Center, will be completed by the end of September. The south side of the plaza will be blocked by a fence surrounding the construction zone for the new dining hall that is being built next to the Koury Business Center. In addition, fences will surround the construction sites adjacent to the center on the east, where two new residence halls are being built.

Please use caution as you walk near the construction zones and keep an eye out for equipment that may be entering or leaving the restricted access areas.