Faculty ombudsperson Web page created

A new Web page detailing Elon’s faculty ombudsperson has been created at:


The Faculty Ombudsperson is authorized to confidentially receive complaints, concerns, or inquiries about alleged acts, omissions, improprieties and/or broader systemic problems within the ombudsperson’s defined jurisdiction, and to listen, offer options, facilitate resolutions, informally investigate or otherwise examine these issues independently and impartially. The Ombudsperson is authorized to work exclusively with teaching faculty.

Professor Michael Sanford currently serves as the Elon University Faculty Ombudsperson. He is a member of The International Ombudsman Association, an organization that promotes the on-going development and support of Ombuds in the university, college, and corporate settings.

The permanent link to the Web page is on the Academics home page under the “For Faculty” links in the left-hand column.