Local resident gets recognition at Elon College

ELON COLLEGE, N.C. – Cathy Bardsley, a student at Husson College in Bangor, Maine, was honored as a “Hometown Hero” at Elon College.
Her sister, Grace Bardsley, nominated her for the honor. Grace is a freshman at Elon.

Cathy suffered severe burns in a house fire at age seven and spent many years in physical therapy. From those experiences, she decided to become a physical therapist. She is currently enrolled in a five-year master’s physical therapy program at Husson.

In her nominating letter, Grace wrote that she admires her sister for her courage and strength. “She puts 110% into everything she does, and if she doesn’t succeed, she won’t stop trying,” she said.

Cathy considers her sister a hero more so than herself. “I can honestly say I have never thought of myself as a hero,” she said.

The Hometown Heroes program recognizes those who make a difference in their community. Individuals are nominated by freshman, and finalists are chosen by class officers.
