Winter term features new travel courses to Eastern Europe

ELON COLLEGE – Elon College’s winter term in January features for the first time study aboard courses in Eastern Europe.

Thirty students, who are enrolled in the course, “Cafe Europa: Eastern Europe in Transition.” will travel to Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic. “We will focus on the emerging economies in those countries,” says Tom Tiemann, Jefferson-Pilot Professor of economics and director of the general studies program, who will lead the course with Stephen Deloach, assistant professor of economics.

The students will get the opportunity to talk with English-speaking students in those countries about the region’s transition towards a free-market, capitalist economy, Tiemann says.

A second course will take students to Poland, where they will retrace the history of a family nearly destroyed by the Holocaust.

The winter term, which begins Jan. 5, is a popular time for Elon students to travel to foreign countries. Among the most popular destinations are Costa Rica, England, Australia, Ireland and Italy.

“Students have a wide selection of academic experiences to choose from this year,” says Bill Rich, dean of international and special programs.

“Winter term is an exciting time for faculty,” Rich says. “They are able to teach courses on topics and issues that they are interested and experienced in.” A variety of English, economics, history, psychology, sociology and general studies courses also are being offered. Courses such as “The Economics of Women,” “Zen and Writing” and “Remembering and Forgetting” are among the new selections. Other courses offer interactive experiences for students. “Canoeing and Literature” will allow students to spend six days canoeing with Outward Bound in the Florida Everglades. Students in the “Law & Society” course will hear arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court. Other students will work on research projects or complete internships.
