John Burbridge to step down as business school dean

John Burbridge, who has been dean of Elon’s Martha and Spencer Love School of Business for the past ten years, will step down at the conclusion of the 2006-07 academic year. Following a sabbatical, Professor Burbridge will return to teach full-time in the business administration department.

“It is time for the school to benefit from new perspectives and ways of thinking,” Burbridge says. “Fresh leadership is healthy for every organization. I’m proud of what we have accomplished, and the Love School is ready to take on new challenges under a new dean.”

Burbridge has built a remarkable record of accomplishments. Under his leadership, the school achieved accreditation by AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business in 2004, and this year, the school moved into its new facility, the Ernest A. Koury Sr. Business Center.

Other notable achievements by Burbridge during his tenure as dean include the following:

  • Development of a four-year Jefferson-Pilot Business Fellows Program
  • Creation of the Legends of Business Speaker Series
  • Expansion of the Love School of Business Board of Advisors
  • Creation of the Elon Enterprise Academy
  • Rejuvenation and growth of the MBA program
  • Creation of a student advisory board for the business school
  • Increased resources for faculty support and research
  • Published several juried articles with fellow faculty members on global competitiveness

In 2004, the Love School Board of Advisors contributed $350,000 to the Koury Business Center campaign to name the first floor atrium in Burbridge’s honor, recognizing his years of leadership for the school.

Provost Gerald Francis will launch a national search for Burbridge’s successor this fall.