New Wellness Program Web Site

The new faculty/staff wellness web site “Well U” has been launched. Please visit and check out the new pages, links and services offered for your convenience.
Here is a listing of topics on the new site:
1. About Us
2. Wellness activities
3. Lending library- Great books, CDs, DVDs and models that can be checked out for your convenience. Examples: “Super-Size Me,” “Ultra-Metabolism,” “Thriving with Heart Disease,” & “The Four Agreements.”
4. Wellness links to popular health related sites
5. Scrapbook- Did someone catch you doing something healthy? Please send in any wellness related pictures from work or home
6. Testimonials- Has one of the wellness programs helped you? Let us know so you can motivate others.

It is a good idea to check the Web site weekly since we are constantly updating our programs.
*Don’t miss the new registration links to massage therapy appointments, screening appointments, educational lunch & learns, exercise classes, and cooking classes.

Here’s a direct link if you want to check it out now:
Special recognition goes to JP Lavoie – Multimedia Developer and J.R. Shortall – Web Developer

I hope this new web site eases your wellness journey and helps you to “Choose Well”.